Vol. 7 (2020): Triggering a Change of the Economic Paradigm

Toward a New Paradigm of Economics

Published 2020-12-01

How to Cite

O’Brien, R. (2020). Toward a New Paradigm of Economics. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 7, 145–150. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/115


Moving to the “New” and The Difficulty of Change
The English philosopher Iris Murdoch once wrote: “We can change what we are, but not quickly or easily, there is such a depth and density in what needs to be changed.” (Murdoch, 1993, p.325) The Macau Manifesto reminds us that economics is dynamic, and that individuals, organisations, and nations are constantly changing as economic actors. Observing this flux, we can overlook the reality that change is difficult, and that it iscostly at every level.