Vol. 12 (2023): Changing China Through A Dialogue Between Science And Faith: Ferdinand Verbiest (1623-1688) And The “cold Plum Standing Alone In The Snow”


Published 2023-10-01

How to Cite

Angelet, H. B. (2023). Preface. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 12, 8–10. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/193


Throughout history, contacts between China and Europe have been mutually enriching, including in the field of philosophy, sciences or arts. In the field of astronomy, encounters started during the Ming dynasty. Prominent European Jesuits, including Matteo Ricci, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, and the Belgian Ferdinand Verbiest, shared with their Chinese counterparts their scientific knowledge, thus contributing to the advancement of astronomy in China.