Vol. 10 (2022): Crisis and Spiritual Transformation

Spiritual transformation in the poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins and its resonance in Su Shi, the Chinese poet

Published 2023-05-12

How to Cite

Koay, G. (2023). Spiritual transformation in the poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins and its resonance in Su Shi, the Chinese poet. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 10. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/92


  Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) is regarded as a great Victorian poet and arguably the most famous among Jesuit poets.  Scholars in general believe he was deeply influenced by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius as a Jesuit priest and his poems reflect Ignatian spirit.  Hence, during this Ignatian year (20 May, 2021---31 July, 2022) it is appropriate to explore certain Ignatian insights from some of his poems, focusing on the theme of spiritual transformation.  The five sections of this article are: (1) Introduction: Early initiation to the pleasure of poetry in a Jesuit school; (2) Spiritual transformation from a Christian perspective; 3) Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins; (4) Excerpts of Hopkins showing his friendship with Jesus; (5) Conclusion: Resonance in Su Shi, a Chinese poet