Vol. 8 (2021): Changing and Economic Paradigm: Making Change Happen

Toward A Theology For The Macau Manifesto

Published 2023-05-11

How to Cite

Gutheinz, L. (2023). Toward A Theology For The Macau Manifesto. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 8. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/79


  As a missionary stationed in Taiwan since 1961, I would like to offer three suggestions regarding the Macau Manifesto and the Economy of Francesco statement, as a sign of my full support for their ideas and initiatives, locally and globally. These suggestions are meant to highlight and clarify the theological presuppositions that inform these statements. Each of them has emerged from my own experience working among Chinese people and learning from their cultures.