Vol. 8 (2021): Changing and Economic Paradigm: Making Change Happen

The Contribution of Civil Economics to the Paradigm Shift promoted by the Macau Manifesto

Published 2023-05-11

How to Cite

Becchetti, L. (2023). The Contribution of Civil Economics to the Paradigm Shift promoted by the Macau Manifesto. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 8. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/85


  The Macau Manifesto identifies three platforms for change that can “contribute to the paradigmatic shift in economics that is already happening”: i) Subsidiarity Economics; ii) Wellbeing for All; and iii) Common Good Entrepreneurship.

  Following the logic of the civil economics paradigm (Becchetti-Cermelli, 2018), my belief is that “Wellbeing for All” needs to be measured by creating a new set of wellbeing indicators where value is, beyond GDP, the stock of cultural, environmental, spiritual and economic resources that a community can enjoy. To this purpose the most recent studies have developed multidimensional wellbeing and “generativity in act” indicators that provide different measures of economic, social and demographic generativity.