Vol. 8 (2021): Changing and Economic Paradigm: Making Change Happen

Wellbeing for All: The Role of the Electoral System

Published 2023-05-11

How to Cite

Eichenberger, R., & Schafer, P. (2023). Wellbeing for All: The Role of the Electoral System. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 8. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/88


  Wellbeing for all is the result of effective politics. However, in most countries, the political environment is dominated by ethnic, religious, and economic cleavages, which drive politicians to cater to a fraction of the population rather than to society as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to implement political institutions which encourage politicians to achieve wellbeing for all. But which institutions work? We suggest that much can be learned from Switzerland. While it has a highly diverse society, it is politically stable and economically wealthy. Traditionally, its success has been explained by federalism and direct democracy. We highlight the role of a third formal institution, the electoral system. Proportional and majority elections coexist at all levels of the Swiss state. In addition, the electoral system has specific features: majority elections usually take place in multi-seat districts, and they are often at-large elections, meaning that there is only one large district covering the whole jurisdiction.