Vol. 10 (2022): Crisis and Spiritual Transformation

MCC’s 19 years Operation in Balochistan: A Case Study on Developing Social Perf ormance in the Context of Cross Cultural Management Challenges

Published 2022-10-01

How to Cite

Wu, D. (2022). MCC’s 19 years Operation in Balochistan: A Case Study on Developing Social Perf ormance in the Context of Cross Cultural Management Challenges. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 10. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/72


China Metallurgical Group Corporation(MCC) ran the Saindak Copper-Gold Mine for 19 years after it completed its contract for the mines’ construction in 1990. MCC later won the bidding for operating the mine, and started the first 10-year lease contract in 2002, which was renewed twice in 2012 and 2015 for two 5 year periods until 2022. In this case study we will investigate MCC’s successful social performance experience, and explore what the core factors are in helping to develop the local community. We hope to show how this company managed to work with local people, successfully enough to be rewarded with the contract renewals for operating the mine.