Vol. 8 (2021): Changing and Economic Paradigm: Making Change Happen

MRIJ Interview With Mark O’Neill: Taiwan’S Tzu Chi Foundation And Master Cheng Yen

Published 2023-05-11

How to Cite

P. McCann, D. (2023). MRIJ Interview With Mark O’Neill: Taiwan’S Tzu Chi Foundation And Master Cheng Yen. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 8. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/83


From time to time, the MRI Journal features interviews with academics, business leaders, and other professionals who are developing positive responses to the changes underway in Macau, Hong Kong, China, and SE Asia.  This, the fourth of these interviews is with Mark O’Neill, a writer based in Hong Kong.  A few years ago, Mark published a book, Tzu Chi: Serving with Compassion (Wiley, 2010), which tells the story of the Taiwan Tzu Chi Foundation, inspired by the work of its founder, the Buddhist nun, Master Cheng Yen.  The editors of the MRIJ were interested in getting Mark’s story first-hand, for it contains lessons for all of us, on what can be accomplished through NGOs dedicated to philanthropic activities. We hope that all religiously inspired charities can learn from the success of the Tzu Chi Foundation and its remarkable Founder, Master Cheng Yen.