Vol. 10 (2022): Crisis and Spiritual Transformation

MRIJ BOOK REVIEW Title: Jewish Sketches: Judaism and Jewish-Catholic Relations: Author: Edmund Ryden

Published 2023-05-12

How to Cite

P. McCann, D. (2023). MRIJ BOOK REVIEW Title: Jewish Sketches: Judaism and Jewish-Catholic Relations: Author: Edmund Ryden. The Macau Ricci Institute Journal, 10. Retrieved from https://journals.usj.edu.mo/index.php/mrijournal/article/view/91


  Why would anyone concerned with social development in China and SE Asia take the time to read a big book on Judaism and its history in relationship to Europe and the Catholic Church?  Is Edmund Ryden’s Jewish Sketches, recently published in Taiwan where he is stationed as a Jesuit, simply a personal hobby project?  Why should anyone else pause to consider the story he has to tell?